Corneotherapy: A Groundbreaking Approach for Extremely Sensitive Skin

Woman examining her red, irritated skin in a mirror, highlighting issues of extremely sensitive skin.

For individuals with hypersensitive skin, even basic skincare products can cause irritation, redness, or discomfort. When traditional routines fail and sensitivity becomes overwhelming, corneotherapy offers a therapeutic, medically-oriented solution designed to repair and rebuild the skin’s natural protective barrier.

This approach is not about enhancing glow or beauty—it’s about restoring function and providing relief for those struggling with extreme skin sensitivity.

What is Corneotherapy?

Corneotherapy is a treatment methodology specifically aimed at individuals whose skin is so sensitive that conventional skincare products trigger adverse reactions. It focuses on the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the skin, to address its function and integrity.

First introduced by Professor Albert Kligman, corneotherapy revolves around rebuilding the skin barrier and supporting the skin’s natural defences to reduce hypersensitivity and improve overall skin health.

Who Can Benefit from Corneotherapy?

This approach is ideal for people who experience:

  • Severe skin sensitivity and irritation.
  • Adverse reactions to standard skincare products.
  • Chronic dryness, redness, or itching.
  • Skin conditions like eczema or dermatitis.

Corneotherapy targets the root cause—damaged skin barrier function—offering relief for those who have struggled to find solutions elsewhere.

The Core Benefits of Corneotherapy

Corneotherapy is a medically driven, therapeutic skincare solution that focuses on:

  1. Barrier Restoration
    It rebuilds the skin’s natural protective barrier, shielding it from environmental stressors and reducing hypersensitivity.

  2. Reducing Reactions to Skincare Products
    By strengthening the skin, it becomes less reactive to external irritants, allowing individuals to tolerate products that once caused problems.
  3. Minimising Redness and Inflammation
    Through gentle, restorative treatments, corneotherapy soothes inflamed skin and promotes healing.
  4. Hydration Without Irritation
    Specially formulated products deliver moisture without triggering negative reactions, ensuring hydration for even the most reactive skin types.


How Does Corneotherapy Work?

Corneotherapy involves a comprehensive approach, starting with an analysis of the skin’s current state. Treatments and products are then tailored to gently restore and maintain the skin’s barrier function. Key steps include:

  • Gentle, Targeted Treatments: Avoiding harsh chemicals or fragrances, the focus is on therapeutic interventions to calm and restore.
  • Support for Skin’s Natural Functions: Products and treatments mimic the skin’s natural processes, enhancing its ability to repair itself.
  • Customised Skincare: Every individual’s needs are unique, and corneotherapy provides personalised solutions for long-term skin health.

A Medically-Driven Skincare Revolution

Unlike conventional skincare approaches that prioritise aesthetic outcomes, corneotherapy focuses entirely on the health and functionality of the skin. For individuals with hypersensitive skin, this method provides a path to relief and recovery, offering a solution where other methods fail.

If you’ve struggled with extreme skin sensitivity and can’t find products or treatments that work, corneotherapy may be the solution you need. It’s not just skincare—it’s a specialised, therapeutic approach to healing.

Ready to take the first step? Book your consultation at Alter Ego Beauty Clinic now and discover how corneotherapy can help you restore and protect your skin’s natural function.

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