Under eye wrinkles, pigmentations on the face. Unwanted gifts of your holiday-part 1
Although holiday season still in full, at Alter Ego Clinic last preparation time for visits to special customers. Customers, which comes more from year to year. Clients whose holidays have left unwanted gifts.. When the beautiful tan from holiday is the memory, many of us are discovering additional gifts from sun-discoloration on the face or the wrinkles under eyes.. Such gifts is a serious matter, as well as their treatment. Slightly ahead of time, I will describe the most common “after holiday” skin problems and their solutions in the clinic. I hope that in this way I can help-You will know-before you can find a problem.
So, what is a “holiday gifts” tend to visit a clinic? The answer very general: any signs of photo-aging of the skin.
And what is photoaging of the skin?
Photoaging of the skin is a series of defects in the construction of healthy skin, that occurs relating to exposure to the UV radiation. Hence the most commonly noticed problems are exposed places on the body:
- Skin of Head
- Face
- Skin of neck and decollate
- Hands
Wrinkles under the eyes, pigmentation on the face. Unwanted holiday gifts.
Wrinkles under eyes, pigmentation on the face. The two main problems with which I have come across most often in early autumn. This had not been! -This sentence falls immediately after the presentation of the problem. Then I have to say: So.. These are those unwanted holiday gifts.

Nature photo-aging processes is one of the most common reasons for visits in aesthetic medicine clinics. These processes produce 80% of the changes that we perceive as “defects” that impairs our appearance

Signs of photoaging, which most often turn to us for patients:
- wrinkles around the eyes and forehead
- hypertension
- discoloration of the skin
- stains (e. g. hepatic)
- new or changed moles
- cracked capillaries
- weakness and thinning of the skin
- excessive dryness
- actinic keratosis
Each of the above-mentioned symptoms consists of at least a few reasons, some of them can be very distant. Undoubtedly, however, these symptoms have shared one cause: exposure to UV radiation. Without it, these “unwanted gifts” appear not likely at all or many years later. To share in the formation of the changes also contribute:
- Genes
- Lifestyle: including
- health problems
- medicines or herbs taken
- general diet
- Hormones
- UV protection
- Correct skin care
Diversity in the signs of photoaging skin, depending on the resulting from the causes of their formation are the factors affecting the effectiveness of the treatment. Very important is the awareness that the treatments that you can do apply to correct signs of photoaging and not reversing them.
Due to the best results, the persistence of effects and patient satisfaction – in the fight against photo-aging, we sometimes offer synergy of treatments (combined).
Synergy of treatments (combined) what is it?
If the specialist will offer you treatments synergy this means application in one treatment, few of different working methods. The connection should be used for best results. The type of synergy corresponds to skin problems and in a secure manner reduces the time of treatment, compared to the same treatments separately.

in the fight against the effects of photoaging win persons who knowingly take the cooperation with a specialist. Understand how various treatments work on our skin is the key to satisfaction with their effects. Therefore,. Ask. .

The next two parts of the article, will include an overview of specific treatments, which are the basis to start the fight against unwanted gifts from holidays. I will present closer mechanisms of action and the achievement of results after each of these treatments. All of this is based on the issue of the effects of photoaging. I invite you to read?
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