May 2, 2018 | Beauty Basics, Facial treatments, Health, Laser therapy
Men do not go to the beautician!? I thought I would no longer hear anything like that, but… Quite recently, these words came to me, native to the ice Age… It seems that a few mammoths are hiding somewhere in the present ?, I will tell you about what...
Aug 15, 2017 | Facial treatments, Health
Under eye wrinkles, pigmentations on the face. Unwanted gifts of your holiday-part 1 Although holiday season still in full, at Alter Ego Clinic last preparation time for visits to special customers. Customers, which comes more from year to year. Clients whose...
Jul 3, 2017 | Beauty Basics, Health
Beauty and health up to fingertips Summer season in full, pull out hands to the Sun, we assume sandals. Opportunity to take a closer look at our hands and feet, perfect ? Have a look at the following offer. Another Wendy found something for her hands, next Marc...
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