10 most common mistakes in daily skin care. Part 1 of 2.

You care about your skin, apply creams, masks and still, do not you see the good effects? Very often we move this topic in Alter Ego Beauty Clinic. Below I collected 10 most common mistakes in care, which have a profound impact on the condition of our complexion. I also divided the article into two parts, because a lot came out.. ?

If you also do not know why you still have a problem with the skin, check if you do not commit any of them.

First five:

1. washing your face with soap.
Soaps, shower gels, bath products-apply to the rest of the body, because the face are too aggressive. They change the ph and dry out the delicate facial skin, which becomes even more helpless. The complexion requires milder cleansing agents – specially designed for the skin.

2. Use of creams intended for different skin types.
“The first better cream that is on hand or for children.” “A friend said it would be good” this approach makes us not expect any results..

3. Not using creams.
“My complexion is oily, it does not need cream” or “is too young for cosmetics” or “I never used and it was OK”- but it is not?! Exactly.. Sometimes errors in thinking are a problem.. Because the complexion can become fat because of lack of a suitable cosmetic product, the youthfulness of the skin can be extended and sometimes the damage caused by years of missing or incorrect care cannot be made up.

4. Excessive and to frequent use of scrubs and masks.
A cleansing gel with scrub daily, an enzyme or fine-grained scrub 3 times a week, a purifying mask and a peel-off of at least 2 times a week, to this if only a new one hits.. and are still pimples??? Blackheads on the nose?
Well, probably ? so aggressively purified skin will defend itself! And that form of defence is the production of sebum.. The more you purify the more weapons.. Moderation is the answer.

5. No make-up removal.
No makeup removing or facial cleanser in the evening before bedtime. How can we expect a fresh look in the morning, if instead of relaxing at night our complexion fought with remnants make-up and dirt from the previous day? And one such night accelerates the aging of the skin on average about a week..

And how? Is there a point you need to work on? If not, check it out because in the next article you will see another five mistakes in the care ?

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