10 most common mistakes in daily skin care. Part 2 of 2.

You care about your skin, apply creams, masks and still, do not you see the good effects? Very often we move this topic in Alter Ego beauty Clinic. I gathered 10 most common mistakes in care, which have a profound impact on the condition of our complexion. I also divided the article into two parts, because a lot came out.. ?

If you do not read the first part you will find it here.. 10-most-common-mistakes-in-daily-skin-care-part-1-of-2

If you also do not know why you still have some trouble with your skin, check if you are not committing any of them.

Today, second five:

6. touching (rubbing, pluckinging) the face during the day.
Often we do not even realize how often during the day, our hands touch the face.. Shoring up, rubbing the nose, scratching.. And how many times before this action touch something else? It’s easy to think about the way we move on to the face..

7. Use of alcohol or its containing products.
And I don’t mean cosmetics here… Specifically, spirits, or perfumes, which is often still considered a great means to disinfect a squeezed pimple.. Unfortunately, the effect of alcohol on the skin has a very damaging effect on it and it is very long after application.

8. No or rare hygiene among instruments that meet the face every day.
Face towel, makeup brushes, cushion cover.. How long do you use and under what conditions do you store? If you have problems with complexion I recommend cleaning and changing every week. And when the last antibacterial measure you rubbed your phone???

9. Irregularity and variability.
“Sometimes every day for 2 weeks. Sometimes I forget and 3 days nothing. From time to time. How do I remember. How to buy something new is at the beginning I use. ” Our skin needs a regular mode to function properly. Regular care is the key to success.

10. Insufficient water consumed during the day.
Yes – drunk. For most of the problems of complexion corresponds to insufficient hydration, continuous drying. Drinking water can help skin up to 80% of the demand! Unfortunately, all our bodies need water and it gets to the skin at the very end, so regularly drinking around 2l of water a day we can talk about moisturizing from the inside. Drink on health!

I hope that thanks to this list you were able to pinpoint and eliminate your mistakes as well as the trouble with complexion. Sometimes only one mistake is enough to fix everything!

If you need a more detailed and individual diagnosis, we cordially invite you to consult.

With my help you will find and eliminate errors, responsible for the troubles with complexion!

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